What’s needed:
– Swimmers
– Runners
– Bike & Helmet
– Towel & Water
The race begins on the northern edge of the pool. Young swimmers start seconds before the children running though the toddler pool. They exit on the southern side and run to the transition area. Children must have their shoes and helmet on before running their bikes out to the mount/dismount area on Short St. The bike course is one lap of a closed road with two marshals on the course. The run is half a lap of Lawson Park.
If some of the younger children towards the back of the pack are getting tired, just shorten the run/bike so that they have enough energy to finish with a big smile.
Parents/carers are encouraged to help their children throughout the race, whether it be putting on their shoes and helmets, walking their bikes out to the start of the bike course or running along with them.
If it is your child’s first triathlon, we always recommend starting with a shorter race until they build up their confidence. If the Little Devils race sounds too easy/short, your child may like to step up to the next distance…